About KleekStyle

Hello everyone my name is Daniel Kim and this is my blog site KleekStyle. Yes I am Korean, and I am actually one of the most fashion unsavvy person you can find in your life. I like to wear very clothes and my personal hygiene isn’t all that great, but did get much better after marriage.

So your question can be ‘So why are you creating content about hairstyles?? or Korean styles in general?’ Well as a Korean – American, I visit Korea at least once every few years, and I realized that Koreans focus a lot on outward styles and looks compared to Americans. And since I have been living majority of my life in America, I thought it was actually kind of outrageous how much focus there was to looks and styles. And honestly this thought is still with me. What matters really is your inside and yes it is nice to dress up and look neat, but that really shouldn’t be the focus of life.

But looking nice is good and since I was in Korea, I tried one of the Korean styled hair for around $35. It looked amazing. So much better then any American haircuts that I was getting. When I came back to the States, I went to one of the Korean shops and the cost of a haircut was around $50 and I just told the barber to cut my hair neat and nice. It looked subpar to the hair that I got, and I looked around me to see how my Asian friends are cutting their hair, and majority of my friends are actually cutting their own hair instead of visiting hair salons. I believe there are two parts to this. First, the cost is way too high in America and second, most of times we don’t know what haircuts we are getting from the hairstylists. It can be a can of worms or pleasant surprise and we don’t want to spend so much money on a random hair that I don’t know what it will turn out as.

So that is basically the reason why I started this blog. To help those who are looking for hairstyles to find the perfect hair based on their facial look and style that they want to have.

Now enough with about KleekStyle and me, let’s find the perfect Korean hairstyle for your face. Check out my blog!